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Inflatable Sleeping Pads & Mattresses
Here we collect inflatable sleeping pads and air mattresses that often have a compact design when packed to take up minimal space in your backpack when hiking and fishing.
Sleeping pads are measured in r-values where a high r-value is upwards of 6 and higher is suitable for extreme temperatures below -25 while the lowest have a value around 1-2 for summer camping. Sleeping pads around 2-4 can be considered all-round and insulate enough for spring, summer and autumn to guide your purchase.
Sleeping pads are measured in r-values where a high r-value is upwards of 6 and higher is suitable for extreme temperatures below -25 while the lowest have a value around 1-2 for summer camping. Sleeping pads around 2-4 can be considered all-round and insulate enough for spring, summer and autumn to guide your purchase.
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s.a. €179
s.a. €179
s.a. €34.90