Fredrik Jonsson

My name is Fredrik Jonsson, 40 years old, lives with my wife and two children about a mile outside Linköping, just next to Lake Roxen. I work in real estate and project development. Since a year back part of the Savage Gears Team.
I have always been interested in sport fishing, in the earlier years it was everything from angling for rainbow trout to salmon and zander trolling but this has recently given way to spinning, mainly for pike. I have, often together with my brother, travelled around the country and fished for pike, everything from the archipelago of Blekinge to the lakes of Arjeplog.
The favourite today is competition fishing for pike, which I am passionate about, we have the privilege of so many very well organised competitions around the country that not only provide good fishing but also an experience in itself.

Name: Fredrik Jonsson Favorite species: Pike
PB Pike: 10960g Favorite method: Pelagic fishing
PB Perch: 1680g Boat: Nitro Z20
PB Zander: 7100g
Represented Brands:
Savage Gear

Favorite rods

Savage Gear SG2 Power Game
Sold out
s.a. €54.90
s.a. €89.90
Savage Gear SG4 Medium Game
Sold out

Favorite reels

Okuma Helios HSX FD
Sold out
Okuma Komodo LP KD
Sold out

Pike lures

Da Bush Spinnerbait
Sold out
s.a. €7.30
s.a. €9.70
Savage Gear 4D Trout Rattle Shad
Sold out

Perch & zander lures

Favorite clothing

Other favorites